Recording Studio: Tibetan Singing Bowls

I love to record tibetan singing bowls in the recording studio. It is so great that a recording studio can be used to capture such ancient sounds.

Recording Studio: Tibetan Singing Bowls

According to Tibetan oral tradition, the existence of singing bowls dates back to the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 – 480 B.C.). The tradition was brought from India to Tibet, along with the teachings of the Buddha, by the great tantric master Padmasambhava in the 8th century A.D. This is well before the modern recording studio.
Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal being enlightenment. They are a quintessential aid to meditation, and can be found on private Buddhist altars, and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world. The modern recording studio has enabled these sounds to be shared far and wide.
Metallurgical analysis have varied. The original analysis we know of from Concordia University, Quebec is an eight metal alloy of copper and tin with traces of iron, lead, zinc, gold, silver and mercury.
In addition to their traditional usage for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation, stress reduction, holistic healing, Reiki, chakra balancing, and World music. Many people find that the rich blend of harmonic overtones which the bells produce have a direct affect upon their chakras.
Playing the bells usually causes an immediate centering effect. The tones set up a “frequency following response” that creates a balancing left/right brain synchronization. Meditating on the subtle sounds of the Tibetan singing bowl tunes one in to the universal sound within and without.

Personally I love the Sound of these bowls it is so relaxing! Listen to the video as you go to sleep it is truly amazing, especially through good monitors in a recording studio.